Live chat sales

How to Use Live Chat for Sales to Drive Online Revenue

Live chat is an untapped potential for your business. Live chat sales can help businesses to communicate directly with their prospects in real-time. It turns your website into a lead-generation machine to capture more leads and drive sales.

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The world of sales has seen a dramatic shift with the advent of technology, and one such crucial tool is how sales teams are using conversational methodologies to drive sales. Live chat is one such powerful channel for businesses that want to drive sales conversions and maximize their marketing ROI.

The use of live chat among customers has escalated substantially from 38% to 65% in the past few years. The growing numbers show that more and more customers are visiting company websites via live chat.

We will explore how you can effectively leverage live chat to increase sales and online conversions. From capturing leads to resolving customer queries, we will provide actionable tips and strategies to maximize the potential of live chat for your business. 

So, let’s dive in to learn how you can transform your website into a powerful sales tool with the help of live chat.

What is Live Chat for Sales?

Live chat for sales is a customer communication channel that allows businesses to interact with website visitors in real-time through a web messenger. It enables customers to seek real-time assistance from sales reps to help them in the decision-making or purchasing process. 

Companies that leverage live chat on their website provide stronger real time sales support that will lead to bigger gains in revenue and customer retention. 79% of businesses say offering live chat has positively impacted sales, revenue, and customer loyalty. Live chat is a win-win thing for both customers and businesses as it increases your sales and overall business growth while delivering an outstanding customer experience (CX).

Key Objectives of Live Chat for Sales:

Responding fast is one of the key features of superior customer service. The better and faster your customer service, the more repeat customers you will have and the more sales you will generate.

The main objectives of deploying live chat are as follows:

  • Increase conversion rates by providing real-time assistance and personalized support to potential customers.
  • Automate appointment booking by integrating chatbots and scheduling tools, streamlining the process and saving time for both customers and sales representatives.
  • Reduce the sales cycle with enriched customer data, allowing sales teams to have a better understanding of customer needs and preferences, leading to more effective and targeted sales efforts.

Benefits of Using Live Chat for Sales

Live chat sales techniques are a great option to maximize leads and optimize business return on investment (RoI). It helps in acquiring more leads which result in more sales generation. With the right live chat sales best practices you can improve the response time of website visitors and improve the chances of sales.  

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Live chat can increase conversion rates by allowing customers to immediately connect with a customer service or sales representative when they have a question or concern. With instant responses to inquiries, customers are more likely to make a purchase decision.
  • Shorter Sales Cycle: By leveraging a live chat tool, sales reps can quickly and efficiently answer customer questions to make their decision. It helps to close the deal without manual back-and-forth emails or phone calls. It reduces lengthy sales cycles and ensures that the customer gets the support they require in order to make a final decision faster.
  • Automate Lead Capture with Chatbots: 80% of marketers plan to start using a chatbot. Bots give businesses the ability to streamline lead capture by providing instant answers to basic FAQs, and gather contact information for potential leads via automated forms. It saves time for sales representatives and allows them to focus on tasks that need more attention.
  • Boost Brand Affinity with Meaningful Conversations: Live chat allows you to have meaningful conversations with your customers. It helps you create a strong bond between the customer and your brand. Customers feel like they are understood and engaged when using live chat, which can contribute to a higher rate of customer retention and loyalty.  
  • Increase LifeTime Value (LTV) with Repeat Purchase: Live chat sales encourage repeat purchases by providing personalized recommendations for customers based on their past purchases and interactions with the brand. This will allow customers to easily navigate the store and find items that are relevant to them, increasing the chance of them revisiting the website for their next purchase. 
  • Boost Sales Conversions: Engaging in sales conversations through live chat sales best practices can be highly productive for businesses as it helps boost sales conversions by providing real-time information about products or services as well as customized offers and discounts. Live chat conversation provides instant feedback that allows them to adjust their approach, thus leading to more qualified leads and eventually closing more deals.

11 Best Practices to Implement Live Chat to Boost Sales

Live chat is one of the popular channels due to its prompt response time. Responding fast is one of the key features of superior customer service. The better and faster your customer service, the more repeat customers you will have and the more sales you will generate.

1. Be Available When Your Customers Need It 

 One of the best ways to ensure that your customers have a positive experience (and are more likely to make a purchase!) is by being available for them when they need it. 

Utilizing online chat capabilities allows your sales rep or customer service agent to be available at all hours during the day and night. 

By having live chat options, you can answer urgent questions around the clock, reducing the chances of a customer feeling frustrated over not being able to get their answers quickly. 

Best Practices:

  • Implement live chat by identifying the channels your customers choose to connect with you and assist them in real time.
  • You can deploy a bot as the initial point of contact for answering simple queries and routing complex ones to the live chat team.

 2. Route Your Sales Chat To The Right Sales Rep 

In order for sales chats to be successful, you need to make sure you’re routing them to the right people who can provide detailed and accurate information in response. 

Talk with your team and implement a system where each customer’s inquiries are directed toward qualified reps who can effectively handle the conversation, identify their needs and offer tailored product recommendations accordingly. 

Best Practices:

  • Routing the right calls to the right team/department helps in delivering faster responses which help in making sales decisions quicker.
  • Train your sales reps thoroughly and prepare canned responses accordingly to answer customers promptly with relevant answers.

3. Offer Tailored Product Recommendations 

When customers are chatting with you via an online platform, they’ll typically have certain needs in mind that could potentially lead them to purchase more items than what they originally asked about. 

Be prepared with relevant product recommendations customized according to each specific customer inquiry so they never miss out on an opportunity that could maximize their shopping experience as well as boost overall sales.

Best Practices:

  • Live chat can be used to recommend products based on the browsing history of the customer.
  • Offering personalized recommendations encourages customers to make faster purchase decisions that drive sales.

4. Overcome Objections on Checkout Pages

Using a live chat tool on your website’s checkout page can help address customer questions and objections quickly and easily. Using live chat sales helps to reduce cart abandonment and encourages customers to complete the purchase process. 

Live chat agents can be available to answer any questions customers have and provide personalized assistance where needed. This is key, as few things can lead customers away from a sale faster than not being able to get answers when they need them.

Best Practices:

  • Educate customers on product features and answer queries via Live Chat to reduce abandonment rate. 
  • Enable customers to message you with any shopping questions or concerns, allowing issues to be solved before cart abandonment. 
  • Reach out proactively to website visitors with targeted campaigns, informing them about new products and offerings.

5. Capture and Qualify Leads Automatically with Bots

Implementing sales bots into your live chat system is another great way to capture and qualify leads automatically without having a team member available 24/7. Using pre-configured chatbots enables you to respond quickly and accurately, plus it creates an effortless experience for the customer which enhances their overall satisfaction. 

The instant and relevant responses encourage customers to stay in the conversation longer, resulting in more meaningful conversations and consequently, higher conversion rates

Best Practices:

  • Use bots to automate the initial customer interactions, allowing sales teams to focus on more qualified leads.
  • Utilize questions and at least two pre-screening stages to help qualify leads before handing them off to reps from the sales team.
  • Set up follow-up emails and campaigns that provide further info on relevant products and services.

6. Run Automatic Campaigns to Reduce First- Response Time

Automating campaigns is also a great way of reducing your first reply time so that customers receive timely responses no matter what time they connect with your business online. 

Automatic messages after certain events, such as visitors completing a task or leaving a page incomplete, can prompt visitors into asking queries or inquiring further about services offered by the company which boosts conversions in turn. Furthermore, it ensures that any queries are answered promptly which creates a positive impression of your brand among potential customers.

Best Practices:

  • Schedule automated welcome messages and personalized greetings to respond quickly to customers.
  • Monitor customer behavior and provide relevant product suggestions for a smooth customer journey.
  • Track the effectiveness of automated sales messaging with analytics and A/B testing for optimization.

7. Integrate CRM Tools for Sales Management

Integrating live chat with a range of customer relationship management (CRM) tools can keep teams across marketing and sales connected. It provides visibility into historical transactions, and allows advisors from different departments to be part of the same conversation as it progresses through all stages of the funnel; providing consistent high-quality customer service and building loyal relationships along the way. 

Combined with real-time analytics gathered by a live chat tool integration solution can enable teams to gain detailed knowledge about customers before engaging with them which increases the likelihood of driving more sales by personalizing messages in real time based on historical preferences & behaviors.

Best Practices:

  • Automatically capture customer data and store it in a CRM system for better management and tracking.
  • Develop an integrated sales pipeline to follow up on conversations, update customer profiles and track progress throughout the sales process.
  • Leverage automated triggers so customers receive proactive messages and have their questions answered faster.

8. Categorize Your Sales Conversations with Tags

Categorizing your conversations into different categories such as “pre-sales queries”, “post-sale complaints” etc., will help increase productivity and efficiency during the chat session. 

It allows you to quickly take appropriate measures for each problem that arises without having to go back and forth through various conversations each time you receive an inquiry from a different customer.

Additionally, it allows customers to find relevant information quickly so that there is less time wasted waiting for a response from the sales team.

Best Practices:

  • Use tags to group sales-focused conversations, such as “lead conversion” or “upsell request,” for quick and easy reference. 
  • Assign qualified agents with the right tags so that they can confidently handle customer questions related to their expertise.
  • Monitor customer feedback with tags for the most effective live chat support.

9. Use Self Service Options to Answer Common Sales Queries

By utilizing self-service options within your live chat system, you are able to provide an automated response and solution for common sales queries that customers come across on a regular basis. 

It makes it easier for customer service reps who may be dealing with many questions at once, as well as reducing wait times for the customer – both of which can help boost conversion rates in the long run. 

Furthermore, by providing easy self-service solutions, you are creating an efficient online experience and encouraging repeat purchases among existing customers.

Best Practices:

  • Provide a self-service section on your website with answers to frequently asked sales questions. 
  • Implement artificial intelligence chatbots capable of answering customer queries within the live chat feature. 
  • Utilize knowledge bases that can be accessed on demand by customers to answer their queries regarding sales.

10. Leverage Analytics to Understand Your Visitor Journey

Live chat is a great tool for gathering actionable insights about your website visitors and understanding how they interact with your page. 

By using analytics you can capture valuable information, such as what pages the visitor has visited, their location, which device they are using, and the type of browser they’re using. With this data, you can better target messages through live chat that anticipates customers’ needs.

Best Practices:

  • Monitor visitors’ behaviors on your website to see where they need help and provide a personalized journey with real-time support.
  •  Utilize AI to recognize customer intent, offer relevant options, and boost sales by providing customers with proactive suggestions. 
  • Develop reports to identify common customer queries and analyze success rates in order to restructure processes for enhanced customer experience.

11. Capture Prospects Emails for Future Marketing Engagements

 It is important to capture prospects’ emails in order to use them for future marketing engagements. It helps to keep your customers engaged as well as build brand loyalty with those who have already bought from you or may be interested in buying from you in the future. 

Through tools like MailChimp or Constant Contact, you can automate email campaigns based on when a customer completed an action such as chatting with your company which then gives you an opportunity to send them special offers or discounts that could help increase sales and profit margins down the line.

Best Practices:

  • Collect customer emails during the chat session to build a relationship with them and reach out in the future. 
  • Create an automated email that is sent after each chat completes for customers to leave feedback on their experience with customer support. 
  • Reach out periodically by email to customers who have previously interacted with your chatbot so that they feel valued and are more likely to become loyal followers.

The Key Features of Live Chat to Boost Sales Conversions

Are you looking for ways to increase sales, generate more leads, and improve conversions on your website? One effective solution to achieve these goals is by implementing a live chat feature that includes key features designed to drive these results. In this article, we will explore the key features of a live chat that can help you achieve success in these areas. 

Integrated Scheduler: A chat messenger with an integrated scheduler feature allows potential customers to easily book appointments, streamlining the sales process and increasing conversions.

Lead Qualification: Live chat can help qualify leads by engaging with website visitors in real-time, asking relevant questions, and identifying potential customers who are most likely to convert into sales.

Lead Routing: With lead routing capabilities, live chat can direct qualified leads to the right sales representatives, ensuring prompt and personalized follow-ups, which can significantly increase sales and lead conversion rates.

Sales Chatbots: Incorporating sales chatbots into a live chat system can enhance customer interactions, provide instant responses to common queries, and create a personalized shopping experience, all of which contribute to increased sales.

Visitor Journey Tracking & Analytics: Live chat platforms that offer visitor journey tracking and analytics provide valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing businesses to optimize their sales strategies, and tailor their offerings to customer preferences, leading to improved conversions.

Integrations with CRM tools: A live chat platform that seamlessly integrates CRM tools enables sales teams to access real-time customer data and streamline their workflow for better lead management and lower sales cycle.


Try Omni24 Live Chat to Boost Your Sales and Conversions

Live chat has become the most critical channel for sales due to its ability to provide instant customer support and personalized interactions. It allows businesses to engage with potential customers in real-time, addressing their concerns and guiding them through the sales process.

Omni24 enables businesses to engage customers, automate lead capture and scale their sales conversations with a powerful customized messenger. With Omni24, brands can leverage the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to maximize sales opportunities and turn website visitors into satisfied customers.

You can explore Omni24 with 14 day free trial to gain a better understanding of:

  • Engaging customers in real-time, Omni24 ensures they stay longer on the website, find relevant information, and make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Streamline the sales process, allowing you to qualify and prioritize leads efficiently, resulting in higher conversion rates.
  • Capture leads and gather valuable customer information, leading to better targeting and personalized marketing strategies.

FAQs about Live Chat as Sales and Revenue Generation Tool

Live chat offers immediate assistance, building customer trust and satisfaction. It can resolve customer doubts, provide personalized recommendations, and reduce cart abandonment rates, ultimately leading to increased sales and better online conversions.

Yes, live chat can be automated using chatbot technology. Chatbots can understand and respond to customer inquiries based on predefined rules and artificial intelligence. This enables businesses to provide instant support even outside of regular business hours.

Live chat can benefit businesses of various sizes and industries. While it is particularly useful for e-commerce businesses, it can also be valuable for service-based businesses, SaaS companies, and any organization aiming to enhance customer experience and improve online conversions.

When selecting live chat software, consider features such as customization options, chat routing, file sharing capabilities, chat analytics, integration with other tools, mobile compatibility, and security measures to ensure a seamless and secure user experience.

To train live chat agents effectively, focus on teaching them active listening, effective communication, product knowledge, problem-solving skills, and empathy towards customers. Regularly monitor chat transcripts, provide feedback, and conduct training sessions to enhance their abilities.

To measure the success of your live chat efforts, track metrics such as response time, customer satisfaction ratings, conversion rates, average resolution time, and the number of chats resolved. Analyzing these metrics will help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your live chat strategy.

Kazimierz Rajnerowicz

Tidio’s Content Editor and Copywriter. Casimir writes about live chat and chatbots and watches over the technicalities of the publication process.